
Can you imagine living an entire life without ever learning how to use a computer? Well, how about this – can you imagine living your entire life and never learning how to program the most powerful and amazing computer on the planet, your subconscious mind?

Sad but true, most humans will never learn to program their own mind, and will instead, have their minds programmed for them by other people and the media.

If you want to take possession of the most wonderful and powerful gift imaginable, a computer of unlimited potential, learn to take control of your mind and begin right here and right now with this program. Learn the art of self hypnosis.

This self-hypnosis program contains complete instructions for giving yourself suggestions, along with detailed procedures for entering into a state of self-hypnosis. Using it, you will be guided into a state of hypnosis with key phrases and statements, so you can utilize this level of mind any time you choose. When you have reached a certain depth, there is a quiet space where you can enter you own suggestions into your mind. Then, after a while, you are gently guided back to awakening consciousness.


Self-Hypnosis MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Self-Hypnosis MS Sample

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Self-Hypnosis SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Self-Hypnosis SCII Sample

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Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Dear Sir: I am not writing this letter to thank you for the tape that made me Stop Smoking after 29 years of smoking three packs a day, although I am truly grateful. I am not writing to thank you for the tape that cured my job burnout, although again I am very grateful. I am writing to inform you that you many now enter your Self-Hypnosis tape in the Guinness Book of World Records. It is the only thing that has ever shut my friend Marcia up for a whole half-hour. She will attest herself that she did not interrupt you once, which again is a world record. I myself have only one small problem. I am no longer addicted to cigarettes, I am now addicted to self-hypnosis tapes. Please publish a tape immediately to cure me of this problem. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Sharon P. Las Vegas NV

To whom it may concern:  I have been using three of Barrie Konicov’s tapes for over two years now and I find them most helpful. They are a very positive and motivational force, as well as relaxing, and an aid in stress removal. I feel they’re like a key to help unlock the mind freeing it to aid and regain ones purpose as they help regain control of one’s will power, determination, and dedication to whatever one’s commitment to one’s self and life might be. As a Psychology Major in a community College, I know that the tapes help, when used as advised. The tapes I have purchased by Barrie Konicov up to this point are, Subliminal Memory Improvement, the Subliminal Concentration, and the Subliminal Self-Hypnosis tape. Thank you. Sincerely, Julian J. W. Somerset, KY

I have found your tape on Super Consciousness Subliminal Persuasion Self-Hypnosis Tape very helpful. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Viola P. San Marcos, CA